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Project supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China (Grant No. 2018YFB0504500), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 61475171, 61705244, 61307056, and 61875052), and the Natural Science Foundation of Shanghai, China (Grant Nos. 17ZR1433900 and 17ZR1434200).
An all-fiber mode-locked fiber laser was achieved with a saturable absorber based on a tapered fiber deposited with layered molybdenum selenide (MoSe2). The laser was operated at a central wavelength of 1558.35 nm with an output spectral width of 2.9 nm, and a pulse repetition rate of 16.33 MHz. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report on mode-locked fiber lasers using MoSe2 saturable absorbers based on tapered fibers.
Ultrafast fiber lasers have important applications in optical communication, material processing, sensing, and medical imaging.[1–5] The passive mode-locking technique is a major method for generating ultrashort optical pulses. It is more promising than active mode-locking techniques because of its compactness and simplicity.[6] There are several ways to achieve passively mode-locked fiber lasers, such as nonlinear polarization evolution (NPE),[7,8] nonlinear optical loop mirror (NOLM),[9,10] and semiconductor saturable absorber mirror (SESAM).[11–13] Compared to the first two methods, SESAM offers better stability and self-starting ability.[14] However, the narrow operating bandwidth, manufacturing complexity, and high cost of SESAM limit its applications as a mode-locking technique, thereby promoting research into new saturable absorbers (SA) such as carbon nanotubes and graphene.[14–17]
In 2009, graphene was used for the first time as an SA in ultrafast optics.[16] Thereafter, different kinds of two-dimensional (2D) materials have been developed and applied in passively mode-locked fiber lasers.[18–26] SAs based on 2D materials offer unique advantages such as simple manufacturing, wide response bandwidth, and short relaxation time.[27–30] In recent years, new kinds of 2D materials called transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) are attracting significant attention due to their interesting properties (e.g., layer-dependent bandgap).[31] TMDs can be expressed using the typical chemical formula MX2, where M represents a transition metal (e.g., Mo, W) and X represents a chalcogen (e.g., S, Se). Among TMDs, molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) and tungsten disulfide (WS2) are most widely studied in ultrashort pulse fiber lasers. Mode-locked fiber lasers with TMD-based SAs were first reported by Zhang et al. in 2014, and was realized with a MoS2-deposited fiber ferrule.[32] Since then, mode-locked fiber lasers with MoS2/WS2-based SAs have been extensively investigated at wavelengths of 1 μm, 1.5 μm, and 2 μm.[32–39]
Recently, molybdenum diselenide (MoSe2), another member of the TMDs family, has shown its potential for application in mode-locking technology. The layered MoSe2 has a broadband absorption that ranges from the visible light wavelength to the near-infrared wavelength regions. This gives MoSe2 certain advantages over carbon nanotubes and would potentially makes MoSe2 more suitable than MoS2 as SA in passively mode-locked lasers.[14,19] However, there is limited research on MoSe2 compared to MoS2/WS2. TMDs have lower thermal conductivities compared to graphene.[18] Therefore, optical damage becomes an important issue when considering the integration of TMDs with fiber lasers. A method that employs side-polished fibers (SPF) or tapered fibers offers a way to solve this problem. It utilizes the interaction between the evanescent field of the fiber and the material wrapped outside that prevents direct contact between the optical field and the saturable absorbing material and effectively raises the damage threshold of the SAs. In addition, the methods based on SPF and tapered fiber are easy for packaging and therefore more suitable for the manufacturing of commercial mode-locking devices. Moreover, with careful design, SAs based on tapered fiber could have abnormal dispersion at the operating wavelength of the laser that would help to manage the net dispersion of the laser cavity.[40,41] There are several reports on mode-locked fiber lasers with MoSe2 film or SPF.[19,42–44] However, there is no report on tapered-fiber-based MoSe2 SAs.
In this paper, we demonstrate an all-fiber mode-locked fiber laser with a MoSe2 SA based on tapered fiber. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report on mode-locked fiber lasers using tapered fiber-based MoSe2 SAs.
Liquid phase exfoliation (LPE) is widely used in the fabrication of 2D materials because of its simplicity and effectiveness.[19,43] In our experiment, LPE was used to prepare few-layer MoSe2 nanosheets. Initially, 200 mg of the bulk MoSe2 was mixed with 40-ml N-methyl pyrrolidone (NMP) and the mixture was treated by one-hour ultrasonication to break the bulk MoSe2 into layered flakes. The suspension obtained was then centrifuged for 90 min at a rotation speed of 3000 rpm. After the centrifugation, the upper clear liquid from the suspension was collected as the few-layered MoSe2 dispersion.
To verify the effectiveness of the liquid phase exfoliation of MoSe2, the Raman spectra of the dispersion were tested. The MoSe2 dispersion was dropped on a glass substrate and dried and the Raman spectra were measured using an excitation wavelength of 488 nm. The result obtained is shown in Fig.
The ratio of evanescent field power to total propagation power is determined by the waist diameter of the tapered fiber. The mode field distribution at the waist of the tapered fiber was simulated using finite element analysis. The wavelength and refractive index of the fiber cladding were set to be 1.55 μm and 1.45, respectively. Air, with a refractive index of 1, was taken as the medium surrounding the waist of the tapered fiber. The simulated result is shown in Fig.
![]() | Fig. 3. Simulation result of relationship between the ratio of evanescent field power to total propagation power and tapered fiber waist diameter. |
The tapered fiber used in our experiment was prepared by stretching a segment of a standard single mode fiber (SMF-28) using an oxyhydrogen flame. The waist diameter of the tapered fiber was measured as ∼ 3 μm and the insertion loss as 0.4 dB at 1550 nm. The insertion loss was likely caused by the surface contamination of the fiber and nonuniform heating during tapering.
The optical deposition method was used to deposit the layered MoSe2 onto the tapered fiber waist. A small volume of the dispersion was dropped on the tapered fiber waist. The tapered fiber was connected to a continuous-wave (CW) fiber laser at a wavelength of 1560 nm and a power of 26 mW. When the light of the CW laser propagated in the tapered fiber, the leakage of light field appeared in the waist region of the tapered fiber which was immersed in the dispersion droplet. Owing to the optical tweezer effect and light induced swirl and convection, the MoSe2 nanosheets were trapped and deposited onto the tapered fiber. During the deposition, the tapered fiber was taken out of the droplet to measure the insertion loss at regular intervals. When the insertion loss rose to 4.8 dB, the laser was turned off and the deposition was completed. Using a microscope, the uneven deposition of several-micron-sized MoSe2 nanosheets can be seen on the fiber waist with a distribution length of about 100 μm. Schematic illustrations of the optical deposition method and the tapered fiber deposited with layered MoSe2 are shown in Figs.
![]() | Fig. 4. Schematic illustrations of (a) the principle of optical deposition method and (b) a MoSe2 SA based on a tapered fiber. |
The nonlinear transmission of the MoSe2 SA was measured using a balanced twin-detector system. The laser source used was a commercial passively mode-locked erbium-doped fiber laser with a pulse width of ∼ 200 fs and a central wavelength of 1557 nm. The measured result is shown in Fig.
Because of the limitation of the output power of our laser source, the MoSe2 SA was not fully saturated in the measurement. The measured modulation depth of the MoSe2 SA was around 0.8% and the unsaturated loss around 52%. These values are comparable to those obtained in reported works. As shown in Fig.
An erbium-doped mode-locked fiber laser with MoSe2 SA was set up as shown in Fig.
When the pump power reached 30.7 mW, the mode-locking pulse could be easily obtained with proper adjustment of the PC with an output power of 0.2 mW. The laser could operate in the fundamental mode-locking state until the pump power reached 79.8 mW. Further increment in the pump power caused the mode-locked laser to operate in an unstable multi-pulse mode-locking regime. The output spectrum measured using an optical spectrum analyzer (OSA Yokogawa AQ6370C) is shown in Fig.
When the laser is operated under the pump power of 37 mW, the output spectrum is centered at 1558.35 nm with a 3-dB bandwidth of 2.9 nm. The spectrum has typical Kelly sidebands, indicating that the output pulse is a traditional soliton. As can be seen in the output spectrum, a CW component exists at the wavelength of 1556 nm. A similar phenomenon was also observed in reported works with Bi2Te3,[24] SWNT,[46] and MoS2.[47] Figure
Prior to our investigation, there have been several reports on erbium-doped mode-locked fiber lasers realized using TMD-based saturable absorbers. Details of these reports are listed below. Comparable results were obtained in our tapered-fiber MoSe2 SA experiment as outlined at the bottom of the list.
The duration of the output pulse could not be measured directly because the output power was too low for the autocorrelator used in the experiment. However, it can be estimated using existing information. Based on the 3-dB bandwidth of the output spectrum shown in Fig.
![]() | Table 1. Output performance of reported erbium-doped mode-locked fiber lasers incorporating with TMD-based saturable absorbers. TF is tapered fiber. . |
An all-fiber erbium-doped mode-locked fiber laser with a MoSe2 SA was demonstrated in this paper. The SA was based on evanescent field interaction, realized with a tapered fiber deposited with layered MoSe2. The modulation depth and unsaturated loss of the MoSe2 SA were about 0.8% and 52%. The output pulse obtained in our experiment was a traditional soliton with a 3-dB bandwidth of 2.9 nm and a repetition rate of 16.33 MHz. Our work indicates that based on evanescent field interaction, tapered fiber coated with layered MoSe2 can be used as an effective saturable absorber for mode locking.
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